
What is IoT?

The Internet of Things, often abbreviated to IoT, is a network of devices which collect data and share it with each other. Put simply, it is a bit like a social network, but for things. The objects contain sensors or other technology which allows them to connect and exchange data automatically via the Internet. These connected objects can provide a lot of information which helps us to recognize patterns and improve usability. By gaining better insight into how objects work and how they are used, we can optimize processes, create more efficient systems, and prevent potential problems before they occur. The Internet of Things is growing rapidly - experts predict that there will be more than 41 billion IoT devices by 2027.

That's a lot of data...

Yes, absolutely! And also a lot of opportunities to improve our world. By gaining better insights into how devices work and how they are used, we can optimise processes, create more efficient systems and prevent potential problems before they occur. Many industries have already been reaping the benefits of IoT technology for years.

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