
TUIO Client for Unity: How to Easily Develop Multi-Touch Applications with Object Recognition in Unity

When we introduce our multitouch tables and present the possibilities of object recognition, the WOW effect is always great. Same works for the impressive multitouch applications with object recognition that our customers and partners develop, and we would like to see even more!´

In this article, we will show you how to easily integrate object recognition into your Unity applications by using the new TUIO Client for Unity.

Multitouch Applications with Object Recognition: Requirements

In addition to the necessary hardware:

you also need a few other things. The most important of these is the TUIO protocol (Tangible User Interface Object). TUIO is an open protocol, the de facto standard for transmitting and receiving data about multi-touch events and object recognition. It was developed by Martin Kaltenbrunner and is supported by a large community.

Unity is often used as a development environment for applications in the trade fair, event, museum, and exhibition areas.

To utilize TUIO in Unity, you need a TUIO client that can communicate with the display and translate the touch data into Unity events. This is precisely why we have developed an open source TUIO Client for Unity.

TUIO-Client for Unity - One of the key technologies behind many multitouch displays ist das TUIO (Tangible User Interface Object) protocol.
One of the key technologies behind many multitouch displays is the TUIO protocol (Tangible User Interface Object).

TUIO Client for Unity

The TUIO Client for Unity provides a simple and easy-to-use way to integrate TUIO into your Unity projects. The source code on GitHub contains two examples of how developers can integrate the TUIO client into their applications.

In den im TUIO-Client for Unity enthaltenen Beispielen werden die Cursor und Objekte als farbige Quadrate visualisiert.
In the examples included in the TUIO Client for Unity, cursors and objects are visualized as colored squares.

One of the key features of the TUIO Client for Unity is object recognition. With object recognition, you can track and identify physical objects on the multitouch display, such as our Scape X® Shape and Scape X® Magnify. This can enable more sophisticated and precise interactions, such as manipulating virtual objects based on the position and orientation of physical objects.


If you want to make standard elements in your Unity 3D scene touch-operable and at the same time control other elements with objects, you can also integrate TouchScript in parallel with the TUIO Client for Unity. TouchScript is a library for Unity that allows you to integrate multi-touch input devices into your applications. It is a very flexible and customizable solution that supports various types of touch gestures. TouchScript is also an open-source library, initially developed by Valentin Simonov and expanded by us.

Another way to control standard elements in Unity 3D under Windows with TUIO touches is the TouchInjector. This converts TUIO touches into Windows touch events.

The possibilities are endless

As technology becomes increasingly integrated into our daily lives, the need for intuitive and natural ways to interact with digital content will continue to grow. We're excited to share two projects with you that we think you'll find inspiring and that showcase what's possible:

Icelandic Museum of Natural History

created by Gagarin Interactive, 2018

"The Ecosystem Viewer (Ecoscope)"

In the Ecosystem Viewer visitors can learn of the rich life to be found in different types of wetland areas in Iceland. By exploring swamps, lakes and rivers with the help of our interactive rings, users can find various lifeforms, study them and zoom in to the smallest details of things by turning the rings."

More information about the project can be found at

Sandvik Coromant Prime Turning

created for AWZ for the EMO Hannover, 2019

"Sandvik Coromant Prime Tuning"

Make hidden processes not only visible but also tangible! With our replicated indexable inserts from Sandvik PrimeTurning™ you can experience the performance of Sandvik’s new cutting technology on the Multitouch Display Scape® Tangible by using the tools on a digital steel pipe. Moreover, you can easily and playfully access all the information about Sandvik's PrimeTurning™ technology and the corresponding products via Windows touch.

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